Robert Bouquet

Robert Bouquet is a self-taught sculptor who has been working for thirty years using the “taille-directe” or direct carving method, a process that uses hammer and chisel and other hand tools as often as possible. The physicality of carving stone inspires Bouquet and draws him to this medium.

His preferred studio is a work bench adjacent to his wife’s horse barn that is open to the elements with a commanding view of the Virginia Piedmont. The energy and concentration required to sculpt his creations serves as a balm for the less temperate days so he is able to work ‘al fresco’ for a good portion of the year. 

Bouquet has practiced sculpture for over thirty years, originally working in wood and making the transition to stone approximately fifteen years ago and has a cult-like following in his home state of Virginia. Today he works primarily in black soapstone, which is quarried locally in central Virginia, as well as Italian marble and alabaster. Bouquet’s works often appear in the homes and gardens of prominent collectors in the DC Metro Area, the wider Piedmont and Northern Virginia. 

“The physical effort of carving stone is what has drawn me to this art form.”

— Robert Bouquet


Linda Croxson


Jodi Ferrier